Monday, November 21, 2016

What's It All About?

     Hello! I'm Holly Y.

     Welcome to my occasional blog, Constitution Collywobbles.

     In this episode, I'll tell you who I am and explain why I'm doing this series of blogs. While this blog is designed for 5th & 6th graders, in the interest of inclusivity, anyone can read it. :)

     So let's dive in … about me:

     I am an ordinary citizen who wants to share what I've learned about our United States Constitution, a topic about which I care deeply.

     I am a former Social Studies teacher who is now a novelist. Specifically, I write a series of historical mysteries for kids. It takes place in Philadelphia in 1787 when our constitution was being written. The first story is The Pinched Pinkney Plan and features Betsey Applewright, a 12-year-old scribe from North Carolina.

     Through my writing, I've researched the beginnings of our constitution, the rules of our government, extensively. I want to share with you some of my discoveries about the beginnings of our government.

     In these posts, you'll meet kids at Monster Middle School, citizens of the Solar System Federation, and even historical people like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.

     You'll hear about the U. S. constitution when it was very first being written, and how all that government stuff affects us today. Make no mistake, everything that happened back there in 1787 affects your life.

     To find out how, check out other episodes of Constitution Collywobbles. Thank you for stopping by.